if these walls could talk

Change the present.
Change the future.
Change lives.

Ken Daniels is more than a professional speaker and famous sports broadcaster.   He is also a father who lost his son to addiction.   Learn about "predatory rehabs" and "patient brokering."   It may save you or your loved one's life.

2021 Ntl. Survey on Drug Use and Health:

  • 46 million people in the U.S. suffer from a substance use disorder
  • Among people aged 12 or older, 61.2 million people (21.9 percent of the population) used illicit drugs 


Ken Daniels is a Canadian-born broadcaster who is the play-by-play announcer for the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League, now in his 25th season. Prior to joining the Red Wings, he was best known as a broadcaster with CBC Sports. In 2016, Ken tragically lost his son to addiction and has since become the leading voice against predatory practices in the addiction treatment industry. Read Ken’s full bio here.

people in the U.S. suffering from substance use disorder.
overdose deaths in the United States in 2022.
adolescents in Michigan reported haivng substance use disorder in the past year.
plus people in recovery in the U.S.

Real. Relevant. Respected.

Ken Daniels is a father-turned-activist who educates others on patient brokering strategies that have targeted some people seeking addiction treatment. Once you’ve heard the heartbreaking story of how he lost his son to addiction, you will understand why he is so passionate about saving others from what he calls, “predatory practices.”

Leading Voice for Change

Substance Use Disorders
choose the right treatment

Corporate and Nonprofit

The tragedy of Jamie’s death is that, like all overdoses, it could have been prevented. It became even more tragic after Ken discovered through the FBI that patient brokering practices are, in fact, happening.

Book Signings

Packed with behind the scenes stories of the Detroit Red Wings, he dedicates several pages to Jamie, who died on Dec. 7, 2016. The book has gifted Ken the opportunity and a platform to speak about addiction.

Conferences and Schools

Ken’s primary purpose is to motivate, inspire and educate. He is a gifted communicator who can talk about even the most serious of topics with humor, healing, and hope.  

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Personal Impact

“You will never think about the opioid crisis the same way again after you hear Ken Daniels tell his story. But it’s not just his story. It’s ours as a community and a culture. The only way we are going to make a difference is to truly listen to Ken, then keep his message front of mind.”
Matt Friedman
Chair, Children’s Foundation Board of Trustees and Co-Founder, Tanner Friedman Strategic Communications
"Ken Daniels has the ability to combine his personal passion along with his excellent speaking skills to engage an audience and leave them feeling as if they know Ken personally. Each speaking engagement is extremely powerful."
Larry Burns
President and CEO, Children's Hospital of Michigan Foundation
“I have experienced the world of recovery for over 28 years, and until I met Ken, I was in the dark about the corruption that has taken place within the treatment industry. Through his foundation and speaking engagements, he is guiding people into finding legitimate resources and treatment options for themselves or their loved one. In short, he is saving lives.
Lisa Vetter
CEO of Tour de force Speakers, Author and Social Justice Activist

I was known as, “There’s that Red Wings guy. He’s the one who does the games on TV.” Now it’s become, “There’s that guy whose son passed away.” I don’t mind that at all. If that’s what it takes to keep my son in people’s thoughts, then I will gladly be known as “Jamie’s dad.

Ken Daniels

Play-by-play broadcaster, detroit red wings

The Jamie Daniels Foundation

“The shame and stigma of addiction exacerbates the problem. People need to know. We want to help. If we can honor Jamie by saving somebody else, that’s what we’re going to do.” – Ken Daniels

Through the Jamie Daniels Foundation,  families who are struggling with addiction are provided education, resources, professional guidance, and the support they need to recover.

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It has the power to end lives and fracture families, but it doesn’t have to. Ask for help. The right help.

As Ken learned more about a broken, billion dollar treatment industry,  the more he wanted to know so he could help others when seeking treatment for substance use disorders. What began as sharing his story to national and international audiences, has since become a lifelong mission.  

The results are in from our past fundraisers!

We thank our faithful donors who support our Annual Celebrity Roasts to raise funds for a new recovery center and sober living home for those struggling from addiction.

Annual Fundraiser for the Jamie Daniels Foundation

August 26, 2023


The Roast and Toast of Tomas Holmstrom and Nicklas Lidstrom

2023 Roast and Toast a Success!

What an incredible and impactful night! On Saturday, August 26, 485 guests joined us at the Roast & Toast of Tomas Holmstrom and Nicklas Lidstrom, and supported our mission by raising more than $400,000! Funds raised will support substance use prevention, recovery, and stigma reduction efforts for youth.

From ticket purchases to sponsorships, paddle raises and auction bids – you helped save and change kids’ lives. We hope you enjoyed the energetic evening full of laughs and special moments, all for a cause that will create meaningful impact.

Special thanks to Tomas Holmstrom and Nicklas Lidstrom for allowing us to center our event on their impeccable careers, our dedicated event committee, the Mike & Marian Ilitch Foundation for being our dinner sponsor, and Trinity Health – our generous presenting sponsor. We appreciate your continued support of the Jamie Daniels Foundation.

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“Addicts don’t want to be addicts. But prescription drugs, even within a week, can change chemical receptors in the brain. The cognitive ability to say ‘no’ is gone.” 

“Empathy is the highest form of knowledge. It comes without judgment.”  

Ken Daniels, Jamie’s dad


For speaking inquiries please call (712) 621-4629 or complete the contact form. Thank you!